Volusia County Deputy arrested on domestic violence charge
Will the VCSO open an internal investigation as required by Florida Law?

December 21, 2011
"Life is tough.....it's even tougher if you are stupid."- Actor, John Wayne

UPDATE - December 21, 2011
SURPRISE SURPRISE - The State Attorney opts to "no info" the criminal case against Deputy Stott and the VCSO IA finds him guilty of only a policy violation, in which he receives only a letter of reprimand.

Click Here - Stott's completed internal affairs investigation.


Recently, Volusia County Sheriff Deputy Michael Stott was arrested for domestic violence.

Click Here - Media article detailing Deputy Stott's arrest on domestic violence

Click Here - Stott's arrest report

Click Here - Stott's notice of internal investigation

VolusiaExposed.Com wonders if the VCSO will once again initally refuse to conduct an internal affairs investigation, like they attempted to do in the Captain Osowski scandal?

Click Here - to review the VCSO Captain Osowski scandal

We shall monitor this situation.