Compare the Fruitland PD Chief's and VCDC Officer Snider incidents
Did both commit fraud or did neither?

November 26, 2010
"Beware the fury of a patient man"- Poet, John Dryden

In 2009, Volusia County Correctional Officer D. Snider had to resign / retire due to the fact that it was discovered that apparently he had been a convicted felon since 1989.

Please refer to the below link for this website's account of the Snider incident

We wonder why Officer Snider was never apparently investigated for fraud and whether other VCDC officers might have "unknown" criminal backgrounds. FDLE has been asked to investigate this matter, but has declined. We believe such is significant, especially given the fact of how FDLE handled the Fruitland PD Police Chief Isom incident. We invite you to compare both cases and see if it leaves you wondering, like it has us.

HEY - FDLE - how about investigating the concerns surrounding Volusia County law enforcement!

Here are just a few immediate examples, we invite FDLE to review our entire website